How to Keep Your US Phone Number When Going Abroad

Looking for a US phone number? Here’s everything you need to know about getting a Virtual US number while you’re abroad.

What is the easiest and most affordable way to get a US phone number when going abroad, whether in Europe or somewhere else? Let’s look at how to get a US phone number when you’re outside the US.

How Can I Get a US Phone Number When I’m Abroad?

The easiest way to get a US phone number while going abroad is to buy a US virtual phone number online.

Even though they are like regular local phone numbers, they are called “virtual numbers” because they cannot be linked to a cell phone or a SIM card.

So, incoming calls to virtual numbers can be easily sent to any cell or landline number in the world.

How Much Does It Cost to Get a US Phone Number While Living Abroad?

The cost depends a lot on the carrier, but if you get a US phone number from CallHippo while you’re traveling overseas, you can expect to pay the following amounts.

We have also given you a list of the prices for calling phone numbers in some other countries.

Check out callHippo Price list for US phone number.

How to Keep Your US Phone Number When You Move Abroad?

You can keep your US phone number even if you move overseas. That’s great news, because it means you can use the same number to accept calls from US-based customers or personal contacts without any trouble. Need more information?

Let’s learn more about how you can keep your mobile number when you move overseas and save money on foreign calling fees.

With the increase of globalization, a lot of people are leaving the United States to start businesses in other countries.

But keeping your US virtual phone number is a good idea because you might want to move back after a few months or need it to prove who you are for bank accounts or other things. So, how do you keep your phone number when you move overseas?

By porting your US number to a virtual phone service company, you can keep it. Since US virtual phone numbers use the internet to make business communication easier, they can be a great way to run a business. They also work well abroad.

It is a cheap and open way to stay in touch if you move to another country but don’t want to give up your local number.

Advantages Of Porting Your US Phone Number To A Virtual Phone Service Provider

If you are moving from the United States to another country, you will want to stay in touch with friends, work contacts, and family. Since your US phone number is part of who you are, it goes without saying that you don’t want to lose it.

Investing in a US phone number service provider to port your number and keep your current US phone number can help your business make more money. Here are some reasons why your business should spend money on the best US business phone option.

1- Reliability

When you port your US phone number to VoIP services, you can be sure that it will work. This is one of the most important perks. It works well, and you can check your messages and get calls and voicemails from customers to make sure you don’t miss any important messages.

Most VoIP service companies today focus on making the process of porting easy for their customers.

Aside from providing reliable phone porting services, they also offer personalized services like call forwarding and recording for individuals, start-ups, and business people who are moving abroad.

So, you can move abroad without worrying if you work with a VoIP service provider that meets uptime standards and is a reliable market player.

2- Cost-Effective

When moving your phone number, price is the most important thing to think about. But most companies will charge you a small fee to port your US phone number when you use a free VoIP service like Google Voice.

Make sure you have a budget before you talk to your VoIP service about porting. Ask them if you can make international calls with endless talk time. Make sure to ask about any secret fees or costs so you can get a good idea of how the prices work.

3- Superior User-Experience

Everyone who moves out of the US and wants to keep their US phone number needs to have a good user experience. The user experience can be improved by good voice quality, a good network link, and services that don’t stop. So, if you want to compare different VoIP service companies, make sure to use free trials.

This will give you a good idea of what their services are like, help you understand their strengths and flaws, and make your experience as a customer better. Check out how the app works on your phone and on your computer so you can make an informed choice.

4- Time Saving

You’ll have to spend a lot of time telling your business partners, family, and friends about the new number and the costs of rebranding your contact to use the new number.

Every minute you don’t spend working on your most important jobs costs you time and money. When you move, you save time and money because you don’t have to bother everyone about the change.

5- Communication

Most likely, you’ve been giving your company number to every client you’ve talked to. Your customers and other business partners are used to it by now. You don’t need to let them know before moving your business number.

Your work with your clients will go on as usual. It is very helpful if you want to port your customer service number.

6- Good Support

Customer service is the one thing that you can’t skimp on when choosing a VoIP service company. Since you will be going out of the US and keeping your US phone number, you need to make sure your service provider is good at helping customers.

If you have any questions or run into technology problems, you should be able to get in touch with the customer service team.

Most VoIP service providers put customer help at the top of their list of priorities. They can be reached by phone, instant message, chat, and voicemail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

But free services like Google Voice don’t offer help, so make sure to check on this important point before you sign up with a VoIP service provider.

Stay tuned with cell plan store for more informational posts.

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